Octopus Network — 2022 in Review

Octopus Network — 2022 in Review

Octopus Network — 2022 in Review

Even though 2022 clearly created challenges for the Web3 industry, we can’t deny that it was still an amazing year for Octopus Network! Having just launched our mainnet before the start of the year, we’ve come a long way towards our mission of participating in the development of the Internet of Blockchains.

As we welcome the year of the Rabbit, Octopus would also like to take a step back and share our year of building and growth — with much love to the Octopus Global Community!

Congratulations for a job well done! Happy New Year!

Q1 2022

Having launched on October 8, 2021, Octopus Network met 2022 with its first appchain, DeBio, launched and fully operating. But DeBio wouldn’t have to wait long before it was joined by more appchains.

Octopus Accelerator

The Octopus Accelerator announced its first Octopus Star Prize Winners, three of which moved on to develop in the Appchain Pipeline.

  • Discovol
  • Atocha Protocol
  • Fusotao
  • Web3Go
  • PNS


Dev Updates

The Octopus Network Development Team delivered the first Milestone of the Astar/Shiden IBC crosschain messaging project. We also listened to the Octopus Community and lowered the Delegator minimum staking amount to make it easier for community members to join in the ecosystem.

Other notable updates:

  • Released the EVM-compatible appchain template Barnacle EVM.
  • Completed the integration testing of the IBC Milestone 2.
  • Established an open-source bug bounty program for our two primary Rust contracts on NEAR Protocol operated by our partner ImmuneFi.
  • Completed a redeployment for bridge contracts to support near-sdk v4.0.

Q1 Global Live Events

Q2 2022

Octopus Accelerator

April brought the Spring Accelerator Program Star Prize Winners in collaboration with Huobi Global:

  • Portalverse
  • Admeta (also won the Huobi Prize)
  • Nepbot
  • QSTN
  • Memology

And in June, came the Summer 2022 Accelerator Octopus Star Prize Winners:

  • Yogain
  • Plats Network
  • Legal Music
  • MixVerse
  • Horizonland

Three projects from the Q2 Accelerator programs would later join the Octopus Network Appchain Pipeline.

Substrate Developer Training

Octopus Network and its global partners launched the Substrate Developer Training in Vietnam and then expanded to Malaysia and India.


  • Appchain Atocha launched its mainnet.
  • Fusotao and Discovol moved to Booting phase.
  • Portalverse joined Octopus Network as an Appchain Candidate.
  • TrustRecruit joined Octopus Network as an Appchain Candidate.
  • Yogain joined Octopus Network as an Appchain.

Dev Updates

Q2 brought swift progress to the Substrate IBC Module development with the Octopus Development Team completing Milestones 2, and 3, moving on to 4.

In addition, Octopus partnered with SubQuery to provide data services supporting the Octopus Network Explorer for the first 100 Appchains launched in the Octopus Network Ecosystem.

Some of the other key updates in Q2:

  • Support for the NFT cross-chain functions was developed and tested.
  • The Anchor contract on the Octopus Network mainnet was upgraded to v1.3.1, reducing the minimum stake for Validators from 10,000 OCT to 5,000 OCT.
  • NFT cross-chain functionality for Apps went live on the beta network.
  • The Token Converter feature was enabled on the Octopus Network mainnet.

Q2 Global Live Events

Q3 2022

In Q3, Octopus Network launched the “Meet The Appchains” and “Meet the Accelerator Stars” series hosted by award-winning TV personality and crypto advocate Vivi Lin.


The Fall 2022 Accelerator Program drew a record-breaking 100+ applicants, 70 of which applied for Showcase Day.

The Fall Accelerator Octopus Star Prize Winners:

  • Abyss World
  • Gable
  • Octan Network
  • DanceFit
  • Waldo DAO

Two projects from the Fall Accelerator would later join Octopus Network Appchain Pipeline.

Substrate Developer Training

The Octopus Network Global Substrate Developer Training Program successfully expanded to Nigeria and Mexico.


  • Fusotao appchain launched its mainnet and its FXDX DEX went live.
  • Discovol appchain launched its mainnet.
  • Unique One Network entered the Booting Stage in preparation for launch.

Octopus DAO

The first Octopus Network Community Call was officially launched in July to open a dialogue with the community regarding the community governance and introduce Octopus Network’s plan for on-chain governance.

Dev Updates

In Q3, Octopus released Barnacle EVM, an EVM application development template that supports unified accounts. The Substrate IBC module Milestone 4 development entered its finalization stage and Validator Node Automatic Deployment Service to support DigitalOcean was developed.

Other notables:

  • Octopus Network’s Trustless Appchain Bridge was optimized for EVM [H160] Wallets.
  • Octopus DAO smart contract began development.
  • Multi-signature bridges for appchains began development.

Q3 Global Live Events

Q4 2022

The Octopus Network Forum was developed and launched at forum.oct.network for deeper Octopus Community discussion, proposals, and questions.


The Winter 2022 Accelerator Program drew the most diverse application batch yet, with applications admitted from some 19 countries.

The Winter Accelerator Octopus Star Prize Winners:

  • DeepMine
  • Aridia Labs
  • Black History DAO
  • Gamifly
  • Frac

Substrate Developer Training

Enrollment for the fourth Vietnamese course was completed and Mexico announced its first Hackathon winners.


  • Plats Network joined the Octopus Appchain Pipeline.
  • Fusotao’s FXDX exchange added a MYRIA/USDT trading pair.

Octopus DAO

  • The Octopus DAO was launched with the top 21 validators in staking volume acting as the initial DAO board members.
  • The Appchain Candidate Voting Queue was transferred to the governance of the Octopus DAO.
  • The Registry contract was updated to support the new Appchain Candidate Voting governance.

In December, the Octopus DAO held its fifth Community Call and launched a POAP NFT Collection to be issued to all fully attending DAO members.

Dev Updates

In Q4, we made it easy for delegators to claim rewards and to move their stake from one validator to another on the same appchain — without any unbonding period.

We also designed how to implement the IBC TAO and ICS20 with NEAR smart contracts. Milestone 1 of the NEAR IBC TAO defines the standard for packet transport, authentication, and sequencing, i.e., the infrastructure layer. In the ICS, this consists of core, client, and relay classifications.

Other completed tasks:

  • Developed Substrate IBC Milestone 5.
  • Developed a Validator Node Automatic Deployment Service to support Google Cloud Platform (GCP).
  • Upgraded the Anchor contract v2.3.1 to include support for delegating/redelegating operations.
  • Implemented crosschain fees processing upgrade.
  • Completed the appchain multi-signature bridge.
  • Updated the Anchor contract to support cross-chain fee optimization and other functions.

Octopus Day

On October 8, 2022, Octopus Network and many Octopus Network Ecosystem projects held a party in Myriad.Town Metaverse to celebrate the first anniversary of the launch of the Octopus Network mainnet. The event was sponsored by the Octopus Guild and supported by Myriad, Realitychain, Nestercity, and Dao Records.

Participants got an insider view of the Appchains in various stages of development and partied for more than 6 hours with live entertainment from a variety of DJs and in-world musical artists.

Louis Liu, the founder of Octopus Network, gave a keynote speech, “The History, Actuality, and Future of Octopus Network.”

Q4 Global Live Events

Happy New Year, Octopus Community!

And with that, we close out a successful 2022 and launch the new year with a new strategy. We will ensure that Octopus Network thrives throughout the crypto winter — and continues to occupy an important position in the upcoming Internet of Blockchains. To learn more about Octopus 2.0, be sure to join the next Community Call.

Community Call, January 8th–21:00 GMT +8

To join:

  1. Open the link: https://discord.gg/BEQrN4Ya7C
  2. Enter the Discord channel and follow the prompts to verify your identity with your NEAR wallet.

Follow Octopus Network!

Octopus Network — 2022 in Review was originally published in Octopus Network on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.