Introducing a platform to unite the projects, investors, and talent building on the Open Web

NEARWEEK is excited to introduce our brand-new platform: HEROES. HEROES aims to unite the wide range of projects in the Web3 ecosystem with skilled developers and investors, providing a seamless experience for collaboration, innovation and engagement.

With HEROES LIVE, NEARWEEK has put together a live show for emerging projects to showcase their products and gain visibility within the community. The live space will feature pitches from the best start-ups and projects building on NEAR Protocol.

In the show, each project has the opportunity to present their product and answer questions from a panel of industry experts and angel investors, resulting in a unique dynamic setting for projects to showcase and gain valuable feedback from the community.

Essentially, NEARWEEK will let you explain to the world what type of product you’re building and why it’s awesome.Tune in soon and discover the latest and greatest NEAR-based projects under development!

The first episode is set to go live at the end of January 2023 and it will be streamed via our Youtube and Twitter.

In the ever-growing noise of web3, it can be extremely difficult for talented projects to be noticed. Continuous growth, and success, relies on a fine balance between exposure, development, knowledge, and financial backing. From our experience building on NEAR, we found that in order to develop your project in the most optimal way, you need guidance, community, network and funding from the right stakeholders.

At NEARWEEK, we’re building HEROES to facilitate this. We’ve created an entertaining and visually appealing format for pitching and presenting ideas. We hope that this connects the various creators and projects building on NEAR and matches them with potential investors.

“In our daily work we often encounter projects with great potential. Unfortunately, these same projects are often missing key pieces in order to get the right exposure and funding to spearhead development.”

- P3ter, Co-founder of NEARWEEK

Want to have your project featured on HEROES LIVE?
Are you currently looking for exposure, funding, connections or advice on how to accelerate development of your NEAR project? Your project might be the perfect candidate for our upcoming pitch show HEROES Live!

Please, fill out the form below and we will review your request:

HEROES Live — Project Submission Form

Further information regarding the launch of HEROES Live will be announced very soon — be sure to follow NEARWEEK and our weekly newsletter to stay updated!

NEARWEEK is one of the first decentralised news sources within the NEAR ecosystem. Via the production of quality content, news, and promotional support, NEARWEEK unleashes the full potential of its media outlets to act as the social epicentre of the NEAR ecosystem.

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NEARWEEK LAUNCHES HEROES was originally published in NEAR Protocol on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.