On December 8th, Amazon Web Services suffered a massive outage, rendering a large number of projects and websites inaccessible. If you own an IPFS-based front end, then you didn’t experience the effects of this outage at all.
With this AWS crash in mind, NEAR is pleased to announce 4EVERLAND — an IPFS-based hosting service — is bringing its one-stop service for deploying front ends to the NEAR ecosystem.
IFPS, or InterPlanetary File System, is a protocol and peer-to-peer network used for storing and sharing data in distributed systems, like blockchains. 4EVERLAND’s IFPS protocol frees apps’ data storage and access from centralized servers, guaranteeing better data security and trustworthiness. It will also allow dApp developers and users to explore more of Web3’s possibilities.
4EVERLAND provides DDNS, Data I/O, Cert Manager, and other modules in the gateway layer, which are compatible with Web2 access experience. Developers can quickly complete DWeb deployment in minutes without any plug-ins and additional learning costs.
4EVERLAND is also providing global acceleration and data analysis services for all front-ends that are deployed on 4EVERLAND, which will make for more helpful project operation and maintenance.
The 4EVERLAND team is now welcoming all NEAR developers to deploy their front-end on IPFS, either as the main site or as an alternate site. To encourage front-end development on 4EVERLAND, the team is currently offering a number of rewards.
4EVERLAND already launched a ‘First Leap’ program to encourage outstanding projects to deploy their front ends on IPFS. In addition to that, 4EVERLAND is providing 30 extra business version free places for the NEAR Ecosystem, sponsoring six months of services to advance NEAR ecosystem development. Outstanding NEAR developers will also have the opportunity to become 4EVERLAND’s whitelist members and get Dev Grants, while enjoying diversified service rights from 4EVERLAND.